eBook: The 7 Steps to Live Your Best Life

Get The Advantage

Unlock Hidden Potential

Reach Peak Performance

Becoming a high performing team is tough 

Are you struggling to maximise the collective strengths of your team?

Are the loudest voices shutting down others in your leadership meetings?

Do you have a team of top performers who don't naturally gel?

Are you unsure how to overcome increasing competition?

Are your teams working together effectively to be their best?

Are your leaders so focused on their individual goals, they miss the mark on achieving collective team goals?

Would an external view point help you unleash the full potential of your team?

Are you struggling to maximise the collective strengths of your team?

Are the loudest voices shutting down others in your leadership meetings?

Do you have a team of top performers who don't naturally gel?

Are you unsure how to overcome increasing competition?

Are your teams working together effectively to be their best?

Are your leaders so focused on their individual goals, they miss the mark on achieving collective team goals?

Would an external view point help you unleash the full potential of your team?

Work with The Advantage Coach to unleash your team and reach peak performance.

How it Works:

Schedule a Call

Discuss your challenges and priorities before making a commitment

Get The Advantage

Access the expertise and tools you need to drive team performance

Reach Peak Performance

Work with The Advantage to unleash your team and reach peak performance

Success Stories

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Lola Myshketa

Chief Business Development Officer


Adam’s success story as an entrepreneur, his outstanding achievements in the corporate world, combined with his natural talent in dealing and influencing people are a very unique combination that he brings to the coaching industry.

Adam’s techniques are effective, because he is able to coach from a very deep and broad personal experience. His genuine drive and passion to empower his clients to live a life of purpose is the real deal and the true value add.


The strengths-centered business model that underpins Adam’s coaching practice alongside his intuitive, honest, deeply enthusiastic style are massively engaging to work with. 


Most importantly Adam champions diversity and inclusion, which I find inspiring and quite rewarding, so if you are an executive woman seeking to reach new heights both personally and professionally, look no further. Adam is your go-to coach!

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Umer Saleem

BD Leader

Fives Group

“Adam has been transformational in both my professional & personal life accelerating my success. His discipline & methodical work style has given me the foundations to build the very best version of myself into my daily routine.

Since working directly with Adam I have experienced even higher levels of success which I can only attribute to our working relationship. I very much look forward to a long fruitful coaching relationship with Adam so I can reach even greater heights. I have no hesitation in recommending him for Team Coaching Dubai, across the Middle East and internationally”.

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Michael Todd


2b Limitless

"Adam is a strengths based ‘High Performer’ - I first met him as a coaching client and his commitment to the process of growth and development led him to our coach training process. It soon became apparent that Adam had a real talent for coaching individuals and teams. 

His high level corporate experience and skills combined with his coaching skills create a real unique value proposition. I would highly recommend Adam as a strengths-based coach of real quality who is sure to have an impact on high-performance people, teams and organizations. I am really looking forward to collaborating with Adam and supporting his continued growth and success."

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Harry Tregoning

Managing Partner & Owner

Tregoning Group

Having founded and run my own business for several years I was looking for the best business coach to support my continued growth as a leader and help take Tregoning Group to the next level.

Adam is the only Dubai based Business Coach I am aware of who has successful started, led, grown and sold his own business.  He brings invaluable experience from his own journey to support me to get the very best out of my life and businesses.  Without hesitation I would recommend Adam and his coaching skills to help support you, your business and your life reach their full potential.

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James Bourke


Energy Driven Systems

“Adam Ashcroft and his tools and strategies have become core to our culture. He has been one of the critical influences to EDS’s success. From coaching our key leaders through to helping our leadership team unleash our company’s full potential. 

Adam helped us map out our vision on how to become a world class organization”.

The Advantage Business Acceleration Solutions

Advantage Discovery (Free Session)

When you are uncertain about the longer term commitment of working with a professional Coach, Advantage Discovery could be for you.


  • 1 x Strategic Review (60minutes)
  • 1 x brief summary report

Following this session, we will outline your proposed coaching journey, with clear milestones so that you can reach your full potential and live your best life.

Schedule a call today to book your Advantage Discovery Session

Advantage (Top 5 Strengths)

When you are uncertain about what your strengths are and how to utilise them daily, the Advantage Top 5 Strengths package could be for you:


  • 1 x StrengthsFinder Top 5 Assessment & Results
  • 1 x Top 5 The Advantage Mug
  • 1 x Strategic Review session (90 minutes)

Through this program, we will identify your top 5 strengths, and how to use them to reach your full potential and live your best life.

Schedule a call today to book your Advantage Top 5 Strengths session

Advantage Twelve

When you have a clear and specific challenge to overcome, our 12 month Advantage 12 engagement could be the right option for you.


  • 1 x Strategic Review Session (90 minutes)
  • 1 x Leader/Sponsor Induction Session (120 - 180 minutes)
  • 1 x Team Induction Session (120 - 180 minutes)
  • 5 x Personal Copy of The Advantage Playbook (Business Transformation Version)
  • 5 x Personal Copy of The Advantage Playbook (Leader Coaching Version)
  • 10 x High Performance One on One Leadership Coaching Sessions (90 mins each)
  • 10 x High Performance Team Coaching Sessions (90 mins each)
  • 5 x StrengthsFinder Top 34
  • 5 x Printed personalised copy Business The Advantage Playbook (after 20th session)
  • 5 x Printed personalised copy of your Leaders 12 month The Advantage Playbook (after 20th session)

Working with an Advantage coach who can hear the things you don't want to hear, and see the things you can't see, will enable you to become the person you always wanted to be.

Schedule a call today to book your Advantage 12 Journey

Don't see the solution you are looking for?

Schedule a call to discuss your requirements, we'll be happy to guide you.

How are we different?

Despite their success, many individuals feel they have not unlocked their full potential. We've created the Advantage Playbook, to unlock that potential so they can be at their best and achieve peak performance.

We know that despite your success, like many great leaders and successful people, you need support figuring out how to unlock your full potential. The problem is, in an increasingly complex world, with an overwhelming amount of choice, you're struggling to define exactly what your priorities should be, which distracts you from your purpose.

We believe that you deserve the opportunity to be the best you can be, which is why we've created the Advantage Playbook. Founder of The Advantage, Adam Ashcroft, has crafted and collated this Playbook through the experience of working with many exceptional industry leaders, and leading diverse teams across more than 100 countries, over a 20-year career.

When you work with The Advantage Coach, you will get access to this Playbook, including tried and tested tools and strategies that allow you to achieve clarity and achieve peak performance in all areas of your life. 

Don't allow acceptable to become your norm, work with The Advantage Coach and be inspired to achieve peak performance in all areas of your life and work.

Adam Ashcroft, as The Advantage Coach, utilises all his experience from the past 20 years working in Dubai, the UAE and the wider region.

As a leading Team Coach Dubai has been the HQ of The Advantage Coach since its inception. Coaching teams in Dubai, UAE Adam brings a unique proposition having lead sizable businesses across the region.  Adam now supports CEOs, business owners and senior executives on their career and personal life journey.

Adam's key areas of focus for team coaching include:

  • Corporate Coaching In Dubai, across the Middle East and beyond
  • Team Coaching Dubai, across the Middle East and beyond
  • Gallup Clifton Strengths based coaching (Strengths coaching)
  • Team Coaching with a focus on Senior Leadership Teams (SLTs)
  • Group Coaching
  • Motivational speaking in Dubai, keynote speaking and corporate speaking.

Organizational coaching Dubai, across the Middle East and beyond Adam's increasingly recognized by many as the best corporate coach due to his in depth knowledge of running organisations as well as his coaching experience. Adam Ashcroft believes through Finding Your Purpose, Leveraging your Passions and focusing on your Progress through "The 3 Ps to Succeed" you will find long-lasting fulfilment, experience unrivalled success and long term happiness.

Corporate coaching Dubai, as well as across the Middle East, Europe, Africa and beyond Adam has gained a unique niche having started, led and sold his own sizable business, as well as leading teams for international global companies, as well as working in conjunction with globally recognised strategy consultancy firms such as Bain, McKinsey & Co, Boston Consultancy Group and TCA Consultancy (now part of Oliver Wyman).

As a Strengths based Executive Coach, Dubai mirrors the positivity and "nothing is impossible" attitude that The Advantage Coach brings to his executive coaching sessions.  These can be one on one executive coaching sessions, team coaching sessions or group sessions.  

Based in Dubai, Executive Coaching in Dubai with Adam also includes the sharing of best practices learned from setting up his own businesses in Dubai and how to set up and navigate the Middle East region successfully both culturally and operationally.

Whether its organisational coaching, corporate coaching, team coaching,  individual leader or leadership coaching, Adam as The Advantage Coach has a proven process and track record for your sustained success.

Adam Ashcroft business coach in dubai.

Meet Adam Ashcroft, Team Coach Dubai,

the Middle East and internationally.

Download our free eBook


Do you wake up each day with clear purpose? Are you living the life you deserve with all its riches?

What's inside:

Discover the 7 Steps inside this eBook and give yourself the best possible chance of achieving your best, reaching your full potential, and living with fulfilment both at work and in life.

The 7 Steps To Live Your Best Life Ebook cover

Frequently Asked Questions

Team Coaching helps a group of people (the team) achieve the team's goals in a group setting, whereas Group Coaching helps individuals achieve their individual goals within a group setting. Most of my work is undertaken with Senior Leadership Teams (SLT), though I also work with diverse groups who don't necessarily know each other but are wishing to become high performers. These individuals can then take the learnings back into their respective teams for greater success.

Coach Adam: My priority is ensuring my clients operate at our best as often as possible, and for this to happen we firstly need to ensure the CEO, business owner or senior executive is operating at their best both at work and in life.  When the leader is at their best they can then make massive positive differences to their team's and organisations performance.  I therefore describe myself as a combination of a life coach, a business coach and an executive coach.  

My focus is coaching in Dubai (UAE) as this is where I am based, but I also have clients across the Middle East, Europe and beyond.

Coach Adam: Though I always try to make my team coaching sessions interactive, engaging and fun they are always underpinned by The Advantage's proven process. The same process is followed whether I am coaching the CEO, MD, the GM, the business owner, coaching the board of Directors or the senior leadership team.

The process is underpinned by "The 3 P's to Succeed" which are finding your Purpose, identifying and using your Passions (including Gallup Clifton Strengths) and making Progress by setting and achieving SMART goals.

Coach Adam: There are multiple popular personality profile assessment tools in the market including Myres Briggs MBTI, Firo-B, DISC, Korn Ferry's 4 Dimensional Model, Hogan Personality Test and many others. From my own experiences I found none as powerful as the Gallup CliftonStrengths. Knowing my Gallup CliftonStrengths Top 5 and my Top 34 Clifton Strengths has changed my life, and I use them every day to help me be at my best.

Gallup StrengthsFinder® is the world’s leading strengths discovery tool with over 30 million individuals and 300,000 businesses worldwide having completed the assessment. The accompanying book “Strengths Finder 2.0” is the biggest selling non-fiction work of all time on Amazon. The Clifton Strengths is the newly branded name of the assessment tool. Clifton Strengths is based on the research conducted by Dr. Donald O. Clifton, who identified and classified a set of 34 themes or talent themes that represent individual strengths. The Advantage Coach runs Gallup Clifton Strengths and StrengthsFinder assessment on a regular basis for individual leaders, teams and wider organisations.

CS34 is a short form term of the Clifton Strenghts 34. There is also CS5 which is the short form for Clifton Strenghts Top 5. Whereas the CS34 has all the strengths available, the CS5 just gives you your top 5 strengths in order.

The BP10 assessment is a powerful tool designed to identify and measure an individual's entrepreneurial talents and potential. Developed by Gallup, the BP10 assessment focuses specifically on the key traits and behaviors that are commonly found in successful entrepreneurs. By understanding and leveraging these talents, individuals can enhance their entrepreneurial abilities and increase their chances of success in starting and growing their own businesses. The BP10 assessment provides valuable insights into an individual's entrepreneurial strengths and serves as a foundation for developing an entrepreneurial mindset and pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities.

The Advantage Coach prefers using the Clifton Strengths for all it’s coaching clients whether individual, team or organisation. We also have a preference of using the "Gallup Builder Profile 10" or simply "Gallup BP10." The BP10 is an effective tool to help identify entrepreneurs and business leaders preferred talents. We also occasionally use DISC profiling for individuals and teams. The DISC assessment is a behavioural profiling tool that measures an individual's dominant behavioural style across four dimensions: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. It provides insights into communication preferences, decision-making, and interaction styles. The assessment helps individuals gain self-awareness and improve teamwork and communication by understanding different behavioural styles. It can be a valuable tool for personal development, team building, and enhancing interpersonal relationships.